ECWCS GEN II is the second ("middle") generation of the U.S. Army Extended Climate Warfighter Clothing System (U.S. Army Extended Climate Warfighter Clothing System).
In the modern world, fighters can find themselves in different climatic conditions. A modern soldier must be technically prepared and properly equipped according to the surrounding conditions, it can be heat of +50 and cold up to -40 degrees Celsius. Increasingly, soldiers find themselves in conditions where during the day there is unbearable heat, and at night the temperature can drop to minus values. Or a long hike involves crossing a hot desert and snow-covered mountains. Now a soldier must be prepared for any circumstances and a rapidly changing climate.
Assignment of GEN II layers
Although the experience of using the first generation ECWCS was considered successful, since 2005 changes to some elements of the system have been proposed, and since August 2006 the second generation, Gen II, has been introduced. The system has not undergone fundamental changes, only the following parts have been changed:
Layer 2: the jacket and pants of the second layer are replaced by a Polartec® Classic 300 and Polartec® Classic 200 fleece jacket and half-overall, respectively;
Layer 4: Improved the material and style of the membrane parka and pants.
The nomenclature of underwear has also undergone minor changes.
At the same time, the All Purpose Environmental Clothing System (APECS) was introduced for the needs of the Marines and Air Force, all components of which were identical to ECWCS Gen II, except for the specially designed for Marines and Air Force 4th layer (parkas and trousers). This layer remained unchanged even after ECWCS Gen III was adopted by the army.
The APECS outerwear is made with the US Marine Corps MARine PATtern digital camouflage in forest and desert versions and with the Tigerstripe camouflage used on the US Air Force Airman Battle Uniform (ABU).
- Grade A (new or from storage. no stains, patches, contamination, etc.)
- Grade B (has signs of use and/or minor soiling, but no stains, patches, etc.)
- Grade C (has signs of use and/or damage, dirt, inscriptions, etc.)
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